Grow awareness, compassion, commitment

We need to bear in mind that growing our own awareness, compassion, and commitment is more important than many other things.

We are in control

Life is an endless series of choices. We all can be either defeated by our reactions or improved by our actions. We are in control of our lives.


There are several ways to measure success in life. One of these is the number of people you have helped, loved, made happy. You are the one who should find your own definition of success and happiness.

You’ve got the power

What we have left behind and what will happen are just but tiny events compared to the power of change and creation within us.

Life purpose

One of the most motivating things you can become aware of is finding your true life purpose and then starting to live achieving it.


We should get back to love and take care of the small things that enrich our lives. The Universe reveals itself in tiny details.

Understanding ourself

We should try to understand as much as possible about ourselves so we do not have to pretend to be any different than who we are.

How many times have we been burdened by what others say about us? It’s what we think about ourselves that impacts most our lives. Free to Achieve is the seven steps introduction to a completely new dimension of your life. Start living relying on what you understand about yourself, your purpose, your needs, leaving behindContinue reading


Once we realize how empowering is taking full ownership and responsibility of our choices, we stop blaming others and grow. Choices are empowering and allow you to set up your own definition of success, fulfillment, and purpose.

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